How To Extend The Life Of Your Roof

Since the roof is such a critical structural component of your property, you should take all possible steps to prolong its life. Thus, you should know how to extend the life of your roof.

Roofs don’t come cheap. Thus, you want your roof to last as long as possible to safeguard your investment and save costs in the long term.

Attic Ventilation

Poor attic ventilation is responsible for seriously shortening the average roof’s lifespan. With inadequate attic ventilation, humidity and searing heat can build up which will seriously harm your roof. The buildup of moss, mildew and mold wont help matters at all either.

Thus, you should call your roofer to ensure good attic ventilation since this is the primary source of roof damage. Bad attic ventilation can easily take several years off the life of your roof. 


Another major source of roof damage is bad insulation. Without good insulation heat can infiltrate the roof. The temperature of your attic will soar drastically and harm your roof.

Thus, you should get your roofer to inspect the insulation and keep it in good shape to extend the life of your roof.  

Fix Gutters

Clogged gutters can lead to serious roof and property damage. Keeping your gutters fully functional is necessary to protect your roof and your property from water buildup and the ensuing damage.

Check Surrounding Trees

Trees are a serious threat to your roof. Gale force winds can blow over tall trees which may land on your roof and destroy it. Thus, you should call your roofer to ensure that trees are at a safe distance and not too tall.

Trim growing tree branches to keep your roof safe from falling branches which can ruin your rooftop.

Also, trees give off leaves which could clog your gutter. Another reason to trim your trees regularly. 

Scheduled Roof Inspections

Scheduled roof inspections are essential for extending the life of your roof. Well-timed inspections can quickly uncover hidden problems that are slashing the life of your roof. When such problems are discovered in time (through regular inspections) your roof could avoid serious damage and consequent shortening of life. 

But in the absence of roof inspections, these problems will go undetected and slash years off the life of your roof. 

Broken or loose shingles could end up harming nearby shingles and tiles. If left untreated, the damage can spread. Thus, roof inspections are necessary for fixing problematic tiles and shingles.

Several insidious roof problems can escape the untrained eye. But they don’t stand a chance in front of the roofer. An experienced roofer can quickly pick out potential problems and take corrective action forthwith. 

The roofer will also inspect gutters to prevent water buildup and subsequent property damage. The professional can check on the chimney, skylights, windows and caulk to ensure that they are damage-free. Keeping these key roof components problem-free is necessary for a long-lived roof.

Do you want to extend the life of your roof? After all, you will have to spend much more cash on early roof replacement. It pays to be careful and extend the life of your roof. So don’t wait any longer.

Contact us today.